Plant a Seed
Recently, one of our foster children was reunified with her mother. No matter what the situation is, the loss of a foster child is difficult to process. Before she left, we spent some time in the summer planting different herbs and flowers. I let her pick any seeds in the store and she picked a pack of Morning Glories. We did not know that she would never see them grow, but we saw them grow and they are still growing. Even though she is not here, her flowers are, and they remind us of her every day.
As foster parents we plant a lot of seeds!! That gave us the idea of giving foster families going through loss a literal seed to plant. While we could give them a mature plant, I think foster parents would appreciate the laborious task of watering and growing a plant from a seed. Afterall, isn’t that what foster parenting is.
*If you are a foster parent in Pennington County, SD and would like a seed and planter, please contact us through our website or message us on Facebook.
*If you would like to help purchasing the supplies for “Plant a Seed”, please donate to Light of Mine Ranch and specify in the comment.

"Even though she is not here, her flowers are, and they remind us of her everyday"